This singular play made my weekend...thank you Eric Hinske. 9 games to clinch the AL East.
Schil and the Rocket tomorrow for the rubber game. I don't know if anyone has seen this, but here's a hilarious video that some folks from MA made about the Rocket, called Rocket 2057 and it's probably one of the most clever shots taken at the Yanks ever. Hopefully, the 45 year old Clemens will show up feeling like he's "throwing with a piece of wood," (to use a quote of his from last week), cash his million dollar check for the 4 innings he'll last, and head on back to see his family in Texas.
On another note, I've be hitting the books like Hinske hit Posada this afternoon. I should be able to get through everything once by the end of this week giving me a week of pure review/memorizing/test prep...perhaps I'll make it through the first set of exams with some semblance of my sanity intact...who knows though. After the exams, things get better though (only things getting me through the next 2 weeks):
Now-9/27: Study Face off, complete mandatory stuff, sleep a little in between.
9/28: Exam marathon...Immuno and Path...on the same day.
9/29: Sox game at Fenway with the 'rents and girlfriend.
10/5-10/8: ACEP/EMRA Conference in Seattle since it's the last time that I'll be able to go before turning in my ERAS. Dragging girlfriend along for the trip since no one from school wanted to go with me to check out the Med Student weekend stuff and hang out in a new city for a few days with the .
10/9: Catch up on all the Robbins that I've been avoiding
I'll see what I can pull together for posts between now and the exams. It'll probably scattered random exams suck type posts and whatever else spills out onto the screen in the midst of my downward spiral of caffeine abuse, sleep deprivation and exam PMS (yes, men have it too). There'll be good stuff coming up in a few weeks including an ACEP review and an In praise of Fenway post. Until then, Stay tuned
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