
Interwebs on and a new format

I was without interwebs for around a week and it hurt my soul...but now, FINALLY I have some lovely broadband all to myself (and a new TV with some HD/DVR capabilities to allow my brain to turn to mush after my crappy shifts and so I can catch all of those shows/sporting events that I'll probably be working through).

I'm all moved into the new Upstate digs! I'm in a very nice/affordable apartment on the edge of a not-so-nice neighborhood, across from one of my city's gorgeous parks and about a mile from the hospital. Let's just say that I'm about 300 yards from Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, but I've only heard gunshots once or twice and it's actually quite pleasant during the day. So it's just me in this big quiet apartment until the fiancé gets moved up in August.

I've had a few opportunities to hang out with the new residency classmates over the past week as we collectively suffered through our ACLS and ATLS certs. In just a short time, I can already tell that they're seriously cool kids who share a scarily similar sense of humor. I think we'll get into some trouble and to enjoy some good climbing/skiing/backpacking/paddling/biking/whatever-the-hell-else-we-want-to-do on our days off....I'm psyched.

You've probably noticed the lovely new format. I saw it in the new design tab and liked it...so there it is you have to look at it. I'll continue to tweak the format so it's as pretty as I can make it and I'll probably play around with the pages settings to clearly delineate my med school posts from my residency posts, I'll toss some of my fun photos up and try to get some EM-related posts going once I start actually thinking about learning again. I've recently stumbled onto a whole wealth of online EM resources (thanks to a post from Graham Walker over on the ACEP Central Line blog) and I think having all of that posted will be a good resource for me and anyone else that might be interested (not too many EM folks read this though). It will be my fun little education project for myself. I might re-post or link to it here in an attempt to keep myself semi-anonymous so I can still gripe provide constructive criticism about whatever I want my continuing medical education, as vulgarly...er...openly...um...often as I want without the recourse of my faculty/hospital administrators/prosecutors raining down on me and potentially ruining my happy-go-lucky, laid back image and future career prospects/aspirations.

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